We provide and properly install replacement batteries from multiple manufacturers for all makes of UPS. (jump to price request)
Batteries are a critical link in UPS system availability. They have a finite life and must be replaced from time to time. Properly monitored and maintained, the length of time between replacements may be extended. Factors affecting battery life include,
- associated UPS technology
- frequency of discharge
- depth of discharge
- ambient temperature
- case integrity
- vent integrity
- connection integrity
- routine insppection and action
UPS batteries are generally replaced every 3 to 6 years. When we do a UPS battery replacement we include battery health baseline readings after the install. This provides initial battery impedance readings for each battery installed. Not only does this service verify good batteries have been installed with good connections it also provides the baseline to properly determine how battery health and aging over time.
We have expertise in battery reserve time calculations and can recommend alternative battery size for sites running at less than full UPS load.
For those that desire optimum battery life our battery inspection and monitoring offering will be of benefit. Our engineering background lead us in the early 1990's to be an early adopter of battery health monitoring. We test each battery for voltage and impedance in a non-degrative manner with the result of extending the life of a battery plant delaying the need for expensive premature replacements. Additional web pages likely of interest regarding UPS batteries include:
Our primary battery replacement offerings include removal, verification, recycling and testing. We have a range of manufacturers available including:
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