Design - Supply - Management
High Performance, High Efficiency IT Infrastructure

Products & Services

batteriespower system componentsspot coolersUPSmedical upsused equipmentCPDUsserver cabinetskvm switchesshort server power cablesTechnical Furniturework station furnituredocuMOPengineering servicesload bank rentalmonitoringpower quality testingups and battery service


Additional Information

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We often are asked, "Do you provide .....?" Many customers know us from single product or services purchases. They are surprised that we provide a wide range of product including small items such as workstation UPS, power plug adapaters, short server power cables, server cabinets etc. That is because we are better at engineering and technical support than we are at marketing. Below are pictures of items you might not know we are involved with.





Engineering Services Provided For

Server Room


HVAC Spot Coolers Monitoring PDUs and RPPs Server Cabinets Server Cabinets NOC Furntiture KVM Switching Cabinet Power Power Cabling Water Detection and Monitoring Documentation Engineering Field Services